What a busy last couple of weeks it has been here at Rescue Buddy Boarding. Too busy to even sit down and write about what has been going on. Among our guests we had a dog come for the day while his dad went swimming nearby, a dog come for overnight while her family went camping an hour away, and a dog come for several days while his parents went all the way to the Bahamas.

Simon came for a few hours to see how he liked being away from his mom. He gets nervous when he is left alone. He did just fine here and hopefully can come again soon.

Gracie joined us for a few days. She has come so far since she was first adopted. Being a husky/border collie mix she needs a high level of activity throughout the day. She also likes to boss Buddy around which he surprisingly does not mind.

Jack and Mister both frequent visitors joined us for several days. Mister is the dog whose parents went to the Bahamas to swim with dolphins. How cool is that?? Oh yeah and my mom is here too for a few weeks. And yes she is still kitting sweaters for the dogs at Red Lake Rosie's Rescue. To date she has finished over 100.

Scout, black lab, and his Pet Haven alum sister, Fran, sight hound, are our newest guests. Scout and Mister could hardly stop playing for three days. It is great to see Fran again. What a love she is. Makes sense why her foster adopted her.

Mister and Buddy got a bath at the Galaxy Drive In dog wash fundraiser for Pet Haven. Buddy does not look very happy in this photo but he really enjoyed 'swimming' in the puppy pool. More to come on this adventure in a later post.

Last but not least the All Stars returned and played a great gig at Mears Park in downtown St Paul with the rest of the School of Rock Road Crew.

The summer is flying by. We have a busy month of August to look forward to before summer's end. And LOTS more tomatoes to harvest. Enjoy!