Buddy is at Lake Harriet Vet having a dental. So he is gone for the day. Nothing terribly wrong with his teeth. He is 5 1/2 and never had his teeth cleaned so I thought it was time. I am looking for a dentist that will totally put me under for my trip to the drill master.

Walker is on his School of Rock tour for two weeks. The group is playing their first concert today in Houston. Rock On! They are scheduled to play Station 4 in St Paul on the 22nd. Cant't wait.

We are between foster dogs right now. Pet Haven just took in 7 new dogs so I wanted to make sure they all stay put before taking in a new dog. I did transport one of our recent intakes, Chester, today to Auntie Ruth's-one of our boarding partners. He is a sweet boy about 5 years old and a good size-40lbs.

Our next boarding guest Gracie arrives tomorrow morning. Buddy will be happy to have a playmate again.

So it is just me today doing whatever I want to do or need to do without dogs. Wonder what the day will bring? I know it is way too quiet around here.